I'm sitting down having my cup of coffee. It's reflection time. "I shall overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony." What I'd love to share is my testimony. It seems that I worry for no reason. I have a page on my website called, "I Heart You." Would you believe that God spoke to my heart and gave me this message? I have to share. When faced with tough times, my mind goes into panic mode. All kinds of thoughts of what could go wrong attempt to cripple me. I cry, I pray, I read biblical truths, I declare and decree the word of God,....Eventually the turmoil stops but comes back. Can you relate? It comes back, you get desperate, panicked again, maybe smoke a cigarette(let's be real), get a drink, etc.... However, I get the help that I need, eventually. "My God will supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus." I'm human. I don't know about you but this life hasn't been very easy for me. The "Almost in, Almost out" situations. I'm a christian. However, I'm also a human being. We are told to "confess our faults to one another that we may be healed because the prayers of a righteous(not perfect) person has positive and powerful results." Pray for me and I will pray for you. How can I keep quiet when I know that this may help someone? How can I pray for you? Let's pray for each other.
Jewel Webber I "Heart" You. http://www.jewjewbeed.com/i-heart-you Key Scriptures -Revelations 12:11, James 5:16, Philippians 4:19 Sign up for free E-newsletter. Receive (I "heart" you.) paper newsletters with more details, affirmations, thought lifts, and space for personal journals for $20.00 per year. Share your journals on website and get perks(books, postcards, gift cards,...)
September 2018
AuthorAlways be cheerful. |